Year 2021 / Volume 113 / Number 10
Experience in the treatment of hepatitis C with direct-acting antivirals in a foreign population at a high-immigration area


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2021.7830/2021

Matías Estévez Escobar, Marta Casado Martín, Isabel Moreno Moraleda, Teresa Jordán Madrid, Carolina Molina Maldonado, Cristina Viñolo Ubiña, Almudena Porcel Martín,

Introduction: immigrants from areas of high endemicity for hepatitis C represent a relevant risk group. The goal of this study was to analyze the characteristics of these patients in a high-immigration health care area, and to analyze the impact of promoting diagnosis and referral by means of training sessions in the primary care setting. Materials and methods: a retrospective study in immigrant patients with HCV monoinfection treated with direct-acting antiviral agents in Almería between 2015 and 2020. Epidemiological and clinical variables were collected, as well as the impact of a micro-elimination approach. Results: a total of 175 immigrant patients were enrolled, most of them from eastern Europe (52.5 %), followed by sub-Saharan Africa (21.1 %) and the Maghreb (14.8 %). Patients from sub-Saharan Africa and eastern Europe were younger (p = 0.002) and sub-Saharan subjects predominantly exhibited genotypes 2 and 3, whereas genotype 1 predominated in the rest of patients (p < 0.001). Of all the patients, 156 attained SVR (ITT-SVR, 89.1 %). The modified ITT rate was 96.9 %. Patients with SVR had spent more time in Spain (12.7 vs 6.1 years; p = 0.006). Conclusions: the immigrant population with HCV infection in our health care area exhibits homogeneous clinical and epidemiological characteristics. The efficacy of antiviral therapy is similar to that reported in the non-immigrant population, with higher rates of losses to follow-up and dosage errors, particularly in those who have been in the country for less time.
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Estévez Escobar M, Casado Martín M, Moreno Moraleda I, Jordán Madrid T, Molina Maldonado C, Viñolo Ubiña C, et all. Experience in the treatment of hepatitis C with direct-acting antivirals in a foreign population at a high-immigration area. 7830/2021

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Received: 27/01/2021

Accepted: 08/04/2021

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Published: 06/10/2021

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