Año 2023 / Volumen 115 / Número 3
Successful treatment of Crohn’s disease, aseptic liver abscess and psoriasis with ustekinumab


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9155/2022

Cong Dai, Yu-hong Huang,

Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that is commonly known to affect the ileum and colon. Aseptic abscess (AA) has been pathologically described as sterile abscess with a predominance of polymorphonuclear leucocyte infiltrates, and is considered a rare extraintestinal manifestation of CD. AA presents a great challenge to physicians in determining if it is an extraintestinal manifestation of CD or an actual infection with pathogenic microorganisms. There is a strong association between CD and psoriasis. But the coexistence of AA and psoriasis in CD was unusual. Ustekinumab, as an IL 12/23 inhibitor, is the only treatment with a similar mechanism currently available for both CD and psoriasis. We report a case of successful use of ustekinumab to treat a CD patient with hepatic AA and psoriasis.
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4. Sakharpe AK, Mirmanesh M, Dunn H, Wilhelm J, Badr AS, Kohli H. A case and review of aseptic liver abscess in Crohn's disease. Int J Colorectal Dis 2016;31:787-788.
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Instrucciones para citar
Dai C, Huang Y. Successful treatment of Crohn’s disease, aseptic liver abscess and psoriasis with ustekinumab . 9155/2022

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