Año 2016 / Volumen 108 / Número 3
Carta al Editor
Surgical management of appendiceal adenocarcinoid. Case report and literature review


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.4049/2015

Elena González Sánchez-Migallón, Graciela Valero Navarro, Joaquín Sola Pérez, José Andrés García Marín, María Ángeles Verdú Fernández, Victoriano Soria Aledo, José Luis Aguayo Albasini,

Adenocarcinoid tumour of the appendix is a rare entity characterised by the presence of a double component (neuroendocrine and glandular). It originates in the neuroendocrine cells of the appendicular mucosa. A preoperative diagnosis of a primary appendiceal tumour is uncommon and more so one suggesting an adenocarcinoid pathology. Optimal treatment is debated between a simple appendectomy and a more extensive resection, which occasionally includes hysterectomy and bilateral ovariectomy. Our aim is to report this rare entity and conduct a review of the literature on the different treatment options.
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Instrucciones para citar
González Sánchez-Migallón E, Valero Navarro G, Sola Pérez J, García Marín J, Verdú Fernández M, Soria Aledo V, et all. Surgical management of appendiceal adenocarcinoid. Case report and literature review. 4049/2015

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