Año 2016 / Volumen 108 / Número 9
Caso Clínico
Severe ischemic colitis following olanzapine use - A case report


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2016.3944/2015

Samuel R. Fernandes, Rosa Alves, Luís Araújo Correia, Ana Rita Gonçalves, João Malaquias, Emilia Oliveira, José Velosa,

Ischemic colitis is the most common subtype of intestinal ischemia usually resulting from vasospasm, vessel occlusion or mesenteric hypoperfusion. Neuroleptics have seldom been linked to ischemic colitis by blocking peripheral anticholinergic and antiserotonergic receptors inducing severe gastrointestinal paresis. We report a young patient with severe ischemic colitis requiring surgery due to necrosis of the bowel. After exclusion of other potential causes, olanzapine was admitted as the cause of ischemia. Clinicians should be aware of how to recognize and treat the potentially life-threatening effects of neuroleptics.
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Instrucciones para citar
Fernandes S, Alves R, Araújo Correia L, Rita Gonçalves A, Malaquias J, Oliveira E, et all. Severe ischemic colitis following olanzapine use - A case report. 3944/2015

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