Año 2017 / Volumen 109 / Número 5
Caso Clínico
Intrahepatic clear cell cholangiocarcinoma - An uncommon histologic subtype: case report and literature review


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2017.4239/2016

Samuel Raimundo Fernandes, Cilénia Baldaia, Hugo Pinto Marques, Francisco Tortosa, Fernando Ramalho,

Clear-cell cholangiocarcinoma is a very uncommon variant of cholangiocarcinoma with a largely unknown natural history and prognosis. We report a case of a 51-year-old previously healthy woman presenting with a large liver nodule found on routine imaging. Needle biopsy of the lesion suggested a non-hepatocellular carcinoma. After extensive workup for other primary neoplasms, the patient underwent a partial hepatectomy. Histopathology was compatible with a moderately differentiated clear-cell cholangiocarcinoma. There was no evidence of liver disease in the remaining tissue. The patient underwent chemotherapy and remains in clinical remission after two years.
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Fernandes S, Baldaia C, Pinto Marques H, Tortosa F, Ramalho F. Intrahepatic clear cell cholangiocarcinoma - An uncommon histologic subtype: case report and literature review. 4239/2016

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