Año 2022 / Volumen 114 / Número 11
Esophageal fish bone impaction: the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to avoid severe complications


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.8537/2021

Andrés Conthe, Isabel Payeras Otero, Luis Alberto Pérez Gavín, Ainara Baines García, Clara Usón Peiron, Clara Villaseca Gómez, José Luis Herrera Fajes, Óscar Nogales,

Esophageal fish bone impaction (EFBI) is a common reason for presentation in the emergency department and a frequent indication for urgent esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Although it is usually effectively diagnosed and treated by EGD, a confirmed diagnosis prior to the endoscopy is rare as blood tests, radiography and direct laryngoscopy are usually normal. We herein report three cases of EFBI. Two patients had been previously discharged without a correct diagnosis. In one case, the patient had a severe complication that required urgent surgery which could have probably been averted with an early diagnosis. Remarkably, a cervical CT scan was key to diagnose the EFBI in one case and a large retroesophageal abscess in another cases, thus guiding their management. Both patients that underwent an urgent EGD had a favorable outcome without the need for hospitalization. Therefore, meticulous anamnesis, adequate imaging and urgent EGD are key to treat patients with EFBI.
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10/11/2022 13:04:39

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Instrucciones para citar
Conthe A, Payeras Otero I, Pérez Gavín L, Baines García A, Usón Peiron C, Villaseca Gómez C, et all. Esophageal fish bone impaction: the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to avoid severe complications. 8537/2021

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