Año 2015 / Volumen 107 / Número 4
Endoscopic ultrasound in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis


Julio Iglesias-García, José Lariño-Noia, Björn Lindkvist and J. Enrique Domínguez-Muñoz

Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis (CP) remains a challenge. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) can be considered nowadays as the technique of choice for the morphological diagnosis of this disease. More than three or four EUS defined criteria of CP need to be present for the diagnosis of the disease. The development of the more restrictive Rosemont classification aims to standardize the criteria, assigning different values to different features but its impact on the EUS-based diagnosis of CP is debatable. A combined use of endoscopic function test and EUS has even increased the diagnostic yield. Elastography and FNA may be also of help for diagnosing CP. EUS also provides with very valuable information on the severity of the disease, giving key information that may influence in the treatment. Differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses in the context of a CP is also challenging, EUS plays a key role in this context. It provides with the possibility of obtaining specimens for histopathological diagnosis. Nowadays, new developed techniques associated to EUS, like elastography and contrast enhancement, are also showing promising results for the differentiating between these pancreatic lesions.
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Julio Iglesias-García, José Lariño-Noia, Björn Lindkvist and J. Enrique Domínguez-Muñoz. Endoscopic ultrasound in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. 221-228

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