Año 2019 / Volumen 111 / Número 10
Diagnostic yield of endoscopic ultrasonography for dilation of common bile duct of indeterminate cause


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2019.6278/2019

Mafalda Sousa, Sónia Fernandes, Luísa Proença, Carlos Fernandes, João Silva, Ana Catarina Gomes, Edgar Afecto, João Carvalho,

Introduction: with the widespread use of abdominal imaging, common bile duct (CBD) dilation is a common problem in the daily practice. However, the significance of a dilated CBD as a predictor of underlying disease has not been well elucidated and there are currently no guidelines for its approach. Methods: this was a retrospective study of patients who underwent endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) from 2010 to 2017 due to a dilated CBD detected by transabdominal ultrasonography TUS (CBD ≥ 7 mm) or computed tomography (CT) (CBD ≥ 10 mm), with no identified cause (n = 56). The aims were to assess the diagnostic yield of EUS and to identify predictors for a positive EUS. Results: the majority of patients (n = 39) had normal findings on EUS. Abnormal EUS findings were found in 30% (n = 17) of the patients, which included choledocholithiasis (n = 6), ampuloma (n = 3), choledochal cyst (n = 2), benign CBD stenosis (n = 2), cyst of the head of the pancreas (n = 1), cholangiocarcinoma (n = 1), chronic pancreatitis (n = 1) and CBD compression due to adenomegaly (n = 1). Factors that positively related with findings on EUS were increased levels of gamma glutamyl transferase (331 U/l vs 104 U/l, p = 0.039), alkaline phosphatase (226 U/l vs 114 U/l, p = 0.041), total bilirubin (TB) (6.5 g/dl vs 1.2 g/dl, p = 0.035) and the presence of signs/symptoms (p = 0.042). Of the 21 patients (38%) who were asymptomatic with normal liver biochemical tests, four (19%) had findings on EUS. Conclusions: the majority of patients with a dilation of the CDB have a normal EUS. Increased cholestasis enzymes, increased TB and the presence of signs and symptoms are predictors of a positive EUS.
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Instrucciones para citar
Sousa M, Fernandes S, Proença L, Fernandes C, Silva J, Gomes A, et all. Diagnostic yield of endoscopic ultrasonography for dilation of common bile duct of indeterminate cause. 6278/2019

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