Año 2022 / Volumen 114 / Número 9
Gastrocolic fistula as a rare complication of a benign gastric ulcer


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.8787/2022

Zhong Huang, Fang Cheng, Wei Wei,

We report a case of a 77-year-old man presented with abdominal pain, melena and weight loss.He underwent endoscopic evaluation revealed a 1.2cmX0.6cm ulcer of the greater curve of the antrum stomach and a 1.3cm fistulous tract .The gastroscope can smoothly enter the transverse colon through the fistula tract, and we can be able to visualize the colon wall and feces.After the diagnosis of gastrocolic fistula based on endoscopic findings. The patient was referred for surgical evaluation and underwent laparotomy. The patient subsequently underwent en-bloc resection of the fistula, a segment of the transverse colon, gastric perforation repair, intestinal adhesion lysis and peritoneal drainage. Examination of the specimen revealed a fistulous communication between the stomach and resected transverse colon segment. Finally, the patient was discharged 10 days after operation and without further complication.
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Instrucciones para citar
Huang Z, Cheng F, Wei W. Gastrocolic fistula as a rare complication of a benign gastric ulcer. 8787/2022

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