Año 2023 / Volumen 115 / Número 7
Budd-Chiari syndrome in Behçet’s disease


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9267/2022

Daniel Alvarenga Fernandes, Carlos Eduardo Garcez Teixeira, Zoraida Sachetto, Fabiano Reis,

A 36-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department due to a 30-day history of abdominal distention and epigastralgia. He had described a non-intentional 10kg weight loss, dry cough, and fever 6 months before his admission. He had a history of tobacco and cocaine abuse and reported recurrent oral and genital ulcers. Physical examination showed an extensive area of venous collateral circulation on the abdominal wall, hepatomegaly, signs of a moderate ascites, and lower limb edema. Liver and renal function tests were normal. The ascitic fluid analysis did not show an inflammatory or infectious pattern. Upper flexible endoscopy revealed esophageal fine-caliber varices and colonoscopy showed an isolated terminal ileal ulcer. Abdominal imaging revealed hepatomegaly, voluminous ascites, and thrombosis of hepatic veins, inferior and superior vena cava (Figure 1). Infections and coagulation or lymphoproliferative disorders were excluded. Thereafter, the diagnosis of Budd-Chiari Syndrome in Behçet disease was established and immunosuppression treatment was started with good initial clinical evolution.
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Instrucciones para citar
Alvarenga Fernandes D, Garcez Teixeira C, Sachetto Z, Reis F. Budd-Chiari syndrome in Behçet’s disease. 9267/2022

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