Año 2023 / Volumen 115 / Número 1
Hemostasis of a bleeding inverted colonic diverticulum


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9019/2022

Maria Manuela Estevinho, Rolando Pinho, Ana Catarina Gomes, João Correia, Teresa Freitas,

The authors report a case of a 62-year-old male presenting to the emergency department with hematochezia. Urgent colonoscopy revealed numerous diverticula in the sigmoid colon, two of them inverted. Oozing bleeding from a visible vessel was identified on the top of the most distal inverted diverticulum. An over-the-scope clip was released after suction into the transparent cap and successful hemostasis was achieved.
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3. Kawano K, Takenaka M, Kawano R, Kagoshige D, Kawase Y, Moriguchi T, Tanabe H, Katoh T, Nishi K, Kudo M. Efficacy of Over-The-Scope Clip Method as a Novel Hemostatic Therapy for Colonic Diverticular Bleeding. J Clin Med. 2021 Jun 29;10(13):2891.
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Instrucciones para citar
Estevinho M, Pinho R, Gomes A, Correia J, Freitas T. Hemostasis of a bleeding inverted colonic diverticulum. 9019/2022

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