Año 2018 / Volumen 110 / Número 7
EUS-FNA cytological material from pancreatic lesions: the expression of cathepsins and its predictive value of malignancy


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2018.4200/2016

Manuela Roger, Juan Martínez, Gloria Peiró, Jose Ramón Aparicio, Francisco Ruiz, Luís Compañy, Juan Antonio Casellas,

Aims: To assess the expression of cathepsins in pancreatic samples obtained by endoscopic ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) and to investigate their relationship with the staging of the pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Methods: We prospectively included patients with solid pancreatic masses, in which EUS-FNA were performed. Cathepsins B, L, S and H expression was determined in FNA samples. Results: Seventeen FNA were performed. All cytological material was from PDAC. Expression of cathepsins was predominantly low (B 65%, L 23%, S 76%, and H 41%). We found no correlation between the expression levels and the extension of the neoplasm. Conclusion: Expression of cathepsins in the cytological material of PDAC is diverse but still poor to be useful in the pre-operative diagnosis. There is no correlation between the expression levels of cathepsins and the extension of the PDAC
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Instrucciones para citar
Roger M, Martínez J, Peiró G, Aparicio J, Ruiz F, Compañy L, et all. EUS-FNA cytological material from pancreatic lesions: the expression of cathepsins and its predictive value of malignancy. 4200/2016

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