Año 2024 / Volumen 116 / Número 3
Imagen en Patología Digestiva
A giant cause of recurrent fever


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2022.9340/2022

Carolina Palma, Joana Silvério Simões, Mafalda Corrêa Figueira, Beatriz Navarro,

A 73-year-old male patient presented to the Emergency Department with history of weight loss, dysphagia, and recurrent fever. The initial chest radiograph showed a mediastinal hypotransparency and to the complaints of dysphagia the patient did a barium swallow test that revealed a giant Zenker diverticulum. Apart from mildly elevated inflammatory markers and despite the extensive investigation of recurrent fever, no other relevant features were found either in blood analysis, microbiological cultures or computerized tomography. He was submitted to surgical intervention, with no recurrence of fever afterwards. It was assumed that food debris and possible microaspirations were responsible for the recurrence of fever and elevation of inflammatory markers. The patient eventually died due to late complications of surgery. Although recurrent fever is frequently linked to systemic disease, the presence of such a giant diverticulum was probably causing an inflammatory response that is usually not seen in these conditions.
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1 - Nuño-Guzmán CM, García-Carrasco D, Haro M, et all. Zenker's Diverticulum: Diagnostic Approach and Surgical Management. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2014;8(3):346-352. Published 2014 Nov 6.
2 - Nehring P, Krasnodębski IW. Zenker's diverticulum: aetiopathogenesis, symptoms and diagnosis. Comparison of operative methods. Prz Gastroenterol. 2013;8(5):284-289.
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Instrucciones para citar
Palma C, Simões J, Figueira M, Navarro B. A giant cause of recurrent fever. 9340/2022

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