Año 2018 / Volumen 110 / Número 4
Enhancing the current evidence on endoscopist-directed propofol-based sedation


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2018.5502/2017

Enrique Pérez-Cuadrado-Robles, Alexandre Ferreira, Jesús García-Cano,

During the last years, there is more and more scientific evidence about the safety and feasibility of non-anesthesiologist administration of propofol (NAAP) in gastrointestinal endoscopy, reducing sedation induction and recovery time as well as increasing patient and endoscopist satisfaction. Furthermore, a similar risk of adverse events compared with traditional agents or anesthesiologist administration of propofol (AAP) has been described. The present special issue of the Spanish Journal of Gastroenterology (Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas) focusses on NAAP in different settings, including complex endoscopic procedures.
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Pérez-Cuadrado-Robles E, Ferreira A, García-Cano J. Enhancing the current evidence on endoscopist-directed propofol-based sedation . 5502/2017

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