Año 2023 / Volumen 115 / Número 12
The role of gastrointestinal endoscopy in Kaposi sarcoma


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2023.9534/2023

Patricia Gonzalez-Ballesteros, José Guillermo de la Mora Levy, Edgardo Amaya-Fragoso, Beatriz Alejandra Sánchez Jíménez,

We are writing to make endoscopists aware of the paramount of a prompt diagnosis of gastrointestinal Kaposi sarcoma (GI-KS). Patients with GI involvement have a two to five times higher risk of death and will benefit from chemotherapy to improve their survival. However, current evidence found that one out of three patients might have a false negative result even with HHV-8 since other entities such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors, angiosarcoma, and lymphoma shared macroscopic and histopathological characteristics. These cause a delay in treatment and significantly worsen the prognosis. We observed a trend for a positive diagnosis from ulcers and nodules. To our knowledge, this is the largest cohort of patients with GI-KS in the world. Our study suggests that in cases where a complete immunochemistry panel for KS is not available, HHV-8 remains as a bare minimum. However, other gastrointestinal lesions shared histopathological characteristics. Therefore, we suggest taking biopsies from nodular and ulcer-type lesions to increase the probability to establish a histopathological diagnosis.
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Gonzalez-Ballesteros P, de la Mora Levy J, Amaya-Fragoso E, Sánchez Jíménez B. The role of gastrointestinal endoscopy in Kaposi sarcoma . 9534/2023

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