Año 2023 / Volumen 115 / Número 12
Bending the distal tip of a guidewire aids in cannulation of an occluded uncovered biliary metal stent


DOI: 10.17235/reed.2023.9749/2023

Yaoting Li, Hao Wang, Tingting Yu, Senlin Hou, Lichao Zhang,

Biliary metal stent implantation is an effective treatment for malignant obstructive jaundice. But it's well known that stents put in for a long time can become occluded and cause jaundice and cholangitis. At this time, endoscopic intervention is usually required to replace the stent or re-insert the stent. Re-cannulation for metal stent occlusion is challenging because the guide wire may pass through the side holes of the uncovered metal stents, resulting in prolonged surgical time and exposure to radiation. Here we present a small tip that may help endoscopists complete the re-cannulation of an uncovered metal stent in a very short time.
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Instrucciones para citar
Li Y, Wang H, Yu T, Hou S, Zhang L. Bending the distal tip of a guidewire aids in cannulation of an occluded uncovered biliary metal stent. 9749/2023

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